Food Bank

The Cost Of Living Crisis: Choosing Between Food & Bills:

The cost of living crisis as meant that many people find themselves in the difficult position of having to choose between heating the home or eating a good meal. With food and gas prices going up people are turning more and more to food banks for their much needed service. A report by The Trussel Trust found that hundreds of thousands of people are experiencing this struggle on a regular basis. We continue to provide as much support as we can, made only possible by kind donors as we are totally independent and receive no government funding, Watch the video here.

Food Bank

Food & Clothes Bank

We have another outdoor food bank in London and Birmingham this coming week. Where we will be giving out free food and clothes. A recent report by the DWP showed an ever increasing need for food banks, with around 2 million people from the British population being dependent on them. This makes the work we are doing even more important for us, nobody should have to go hungry in today’s day and age, it’s just not right. Please continue to support the cause online. Contact can also be used for arranging food and clothes collections. 

Food Bank

Free Food Bank

Food bank Birmingham, helping those in need:

Food bank Birmingham, helping those in need: